Wednesday, 2 February 2011

February newsletter

This is the first of a regular newsletter I'll be sending out to past, present and hopefully future clients to keep you updated with what Vickers Creative has been up to lately.

First off is the new Vickers Creative website - over the dark winter months I've been drinking lots of tea, eating biscuits and tinkering with Cascading Style Sheets. The result is a brand spanking new website! And not a template in sight... check it out

Secondly, the Vickers Creative facebook page is a hive of activity. You can see it here (the name will change once Mr Zuckerberg allows Pages to be renamed...). 'Like' it in order to be kept up-to-date with all the latest happenings in the Vickers Creative studio, straight onto your Wall!

Thirdly, my Twitter page has also had an overhaul. Yep, I've been busy. If you're a fan of tweets then follow me here I tweet occasionally (less is more) but this will increase as I have more to shout about.

And lastly, if you don't socially network and would like to become a professional 'friend', connect with me on LinkedIn I treat my LinkedIn contacts with the utmost respect and won't bombard you with endless mails.

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