Friday, 1 July 2011

July Newsletter

Leith on the Fringe
LotF-stencil 640px
Rad Rooster, with design input from Vickers Creative. The stationery and promotional material is being produced by the Leith branch of, and clean grafitti promotional stencilling equipment supplied by Stirling's Laser Cut It. Read more at Leith on the Fringe and Vickers Creative.
Leith on the Fringe 2011 has now officially launched!

The LotF guys have been busy on the streets of Edinburgh with a 'clean graffiti' advertising campaign which is sure to get the word spreading throughout the city. As well as the logo and branding, Vickers Creative has also produced the first in a series of flyers to be distributed throughout the city, business cards, and a venue show programme which is just about to go to print. The awesome website has been designed by Anthony Ellis of
Emotion Energy
Recent work: Presentation folders for the Royal Highland Show
Refer me onto a friend or colleague - 10% off for them, 10% off for you!

Not only will they receive a 10% welcome discount, you'll also receive 10% off your next invoice!
(Discounts apply to billable design work only. Not including billable third party printing services)
6 months old and growing!
Although Winter seems like a distant season at the moment, it's been 6 months since the dark days of January when Vickers Creative was born. And boy so much has happened; From working in the corner of a Glasgow tenement bedroom to studio space in a bright West End office, it's off to a flying start!

Over the months I've had the opportunity to work with great clients, including:
Gav Livz, Cycle Responder, Singletrack, International Network of Street Papers, Emotion Energy, The Choke Folk, Prevailing Analysis, The Pokey Hat Vintage, DirtSchool, The Caurnie Soaperie, Leith on the Fringe, and most recently Crocodile Business Solutions and Iron-Oxide's 'The Tide Machine' kinetic theatre performance in Kirkcudbright. As well as working with my own clients, I have also had the opportunity of working freelance with great agencies The Marketing Café and Merchant Soul.

Here's to the next 6 months!

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